France’s Deaf international sign language arts festival: Clin D’ Oeil recap

Renca Dunn, Daily Moth Reporter: Hello! I'm here in Reims, France for the Clin D’ Oeil festival, it is usually hosted every two years. Now this year is the 11th time. There were over 20,000 Deaf community members who came from about 23 countries. There were 50% foreigners and 50% French Deaf residents who came.

The festival includes arts, dancing, music, food, workshops, panels, feature films, different theater groups, and so much more. I will quickly share what it looks like on their website and app.

[Video clip showing the festival app/website with many entertainment and workshop offerings]

So as you can see there are a lot of different things on the schedule. This is a four-day festival. Now I will show you a recap of the recent weekend.

David DeKeyzer: The festival’s focus this year is technology. As we know that we are moving very fast with technology. When Covid-19 hit us, after that- we became more reliant on technology and more technology has increased. This means like plays, ideas, access, and everything else- we do use technology. It has been thriving. So that is this year’s festival’s theme.

Renca: Here is “The Village.” This is like a central point for people to come and meet. This is where the music, dancing, drinks, food, booths- all here. For theater groups and some others, they happen in three other different venues nearby.

Now if you want to order food and drinks (in The Village), you must buy them through cashless payment with this wristband. Here I will show you. Ah! There! I just ordered pizza and water and payment went through.


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[Advertisement from DDH] If you or someone you know is Deaf or Hard of Hearing and needs emotional support related to a disaster, the Disaster Distress Helpline offers a direct videophone option for American Sign Language (ASL) users.

This 24/7 service is staffed by trained crisis workers fluent in ASL. You can access it by:Dialing 1-800-985-5990 on any videophone-enabled device.

Visiting the DDH website at & clicking "ASL Now"Don't hesitate to reach out if you or a loved one is struggling. Help is available.


Ramon Woolfe: I have been going to this festival for many years. The first one was at a Deaf club. It was in a small room, with a small group of people, then over the years, it has grown bigger. This festival secured a spot here by the football stadium where the parking lot is because the number of people has grown.

Why the sign for “Reims”? It is because this place is famous for champagne hence that’s why we sign this way.

Renca: This festival is not just about arts, performances, etc. They also give out awards like for Best Feature Film, Best Documentary Film, Best Actor, and others. For the list of awards, you can check out their website. I will quickly share three from the USA that have won awards here.

The first one is Best Animation Film- Youmee Lee won.

PHOTO 1 (Credit: Clin D’Oeil)

The second one is Best Documentary Film which the “Being Michelle” film won.

PHOTO 2: (Credit: Clin D’Oeil)

The third, Best Director, goes to Douglas Ridloff.

PHOTO 3: (Credit: Clin D’Oeil)

Again, you can check out their website for more information.
