First Deaf Pro Wrestler in Maritimes

Any of you enjoy watching professional wrestling? We learned that Justin Marriott (31) aka “Deaf Power” is the first Deaf pro wrestler in the Maritimes (region of Eastern Canada) and second Deaf person in Canada overall. The first Deaf Canadian was Brian Mackney who had the name “Silent” and was the first to compete in the Wrestling World Entertainment (WWE), formerly known as the World Wrestling Federation. He retired in 1998. So, Justin is following in that footsteps by being the second Deaf pro wrestler in Canada. Justin made his first public performance this recent January.

[Shows photos - credit: ROYCE MCRAE PHOTOGRAPHY]

[Shows video - credit: KAIZEN PRO WRESTLING]

So, here is the interview with Justin about his experience.

[Begin interview]

Renca Dunn: Hello, Justin!

Justin Marriott: Hello, Renca!

Renca: Thank you for meeting with me tonight.

Justin: No problem, I’m happy to be here.

Renca: I’m excited to interview you.

Justin: I’m excited too.

Renca: About your involvement with pro wrestling. You’re the first Deaf person in eastern Canada to participate in pro wrestling and the second person across Canada.

Justin: That’s right. I’m overwhelmed and it’s cool.

Renca: For your wrestling journey, have you always been passionate or did you just start liking it.

Justin: I’ve loved wrestling since I was three. It’s my passion*. It’s something that I always wanted to do.

Renca: Yeah. Did you grow up wrestling at school before you turned professional?

Justin: I started wrestling professionally when I was 31. I’ve struggled with communication, struggled with barriers. When I first tried at age 19, they told me I couldn’t because I was Deaf, that there were communication barriers. I gave up on my dream. Then around three years later, I started going to pro wrestling events. I was fascinated about it and I asked others about whether it was possible for Deaf people to do it. They said, “Why not?” and gave me a chance. So I tried out.

Renca: Wow. Do you enjoy doing professional wrestling? It’s almost like WWE, right?

Justin: Yes, almost like WWE. I’m really excited because I got to perform in front of an audience.

Renca: How does the communication look like with you and the coach? Does he use signals?

Justin: Firstly, he will try to speak to me. If we struggle to understand, he will use body language. He did learn a few signs to communicate in the room. If it’s not clear, he is willing to write on a paper.

Renca: Nice. I know you have a family. A wife and kids. What do they think of you being involved with pro wrestling?

Justin: My family and my wife are actually not fans of it. No. But they are willing to support my journey. They know I love it and that it makes me happy. So they are supportive but they’re not fans!

Renca: That’s funny. At least they know you enjoy and are passionate about this.

Will you have any upcoming performances? You just finished your first one.

Justin: Yes. The very first one.

Renca: What’s next?

Justin: My next event is on March 2. I will be in a six-person, male and female tag team. 3 vs 3. That’s my next match.

Renca: I’m curious if you have any tips for Deaf wrestlers who may be out there who may want to do pro wrestling?

Justin: I encourage everyone to try it out because it’s fun. It’s possible. If I did it, and I know of other Deaf people in the U.S. who have achieved it, it's possible. I encourage others to be confident and try wrestling. If others tell you, “no,” don’t believe them and just believe in yourself. Always believe in yourself. Do whatever you want. What your heart says.

The reason why I’m involved with wrestling is because I want to educate people to learn about ASL and Deaf Culture. On how to interact with other Deaf people. That’s my goal, to show them.

[End interview]

Thank you, Justin. His next performance is on March 2nd and will be released on the Kaizen Pro Wrestling YouTube channel. You can follow him on Facebook and Instagram. We have included links in the transcript. We wish him the best of luck with his pro wrestling journey.


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First Deaf pro wrestler: