Fatal shooting at Rhode Island School for the Deaf parking lot

On Tuesday afternoon, there was a shooting at a parking lot in front of the Rhode Island School for the Deaf (RISD) in Providence. 

WPRI news said one person died and two were injured and hospitalized. They were among a total of five men who were in a SUV when it was shot up. News videos showed that the SUV had many bullet holes on it.  

The RISD Director Nancy Maguire Heath told “The Daily Moth” that the shooting happened on Tuesday a bit more than a hour after school closed and after all the students had left. Most of the staff had already left as well. 

Heath was still at the school and said she heard the gunshots. One young man ran to the school’s doors and banged on it for safety. Heath dialed 911 and police arrived in two minutes. 

Heath said the men were in a rented SUV with Connecticut plates that was parked. The men were smoking marijuana before they were shot at multiple times by unknown parties, and that police thinks it could be due to a rivalry or conflict over money or drugs or sports teams. 

Heath said the school immediately sent out communication to parents and staff and that because the shooting happened between rival groups, it was highly unlikely that RISD students would be targeted so students returned for classes on Wednesday with heightened security. 

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WPRI News said the person who died was a 19-year-old man named Deshaun Dure. The two others who were injured were 19 and 20 years old. As of Thursday, there were no arrests and the shooting is under investigation. 


DEAF NEWSAlex Abenchuchan