Ethiopia government finally allows deaf people to drive

Renca Dunn:

We, Deaf people, can drive here in the U.S., right? We were just informed that Ethiopia (shows name sign) has recently passed a law to allow Deaf people to drive. We reached out to a person named Tigist Alemayehu, director for Ethiopia Association of the Deaf, for an interview. She is one of those people that fought for the rights of Deaf people to drive there.

Tigist Alemayehu: Driving is now finally allowed after a long time of fighting the government. For many years we have been fighting. Now, the government finally believes that Deaf people can drive. Finally, they gave us driving rights. This applies to all of the Deaf people in Ethiopia. The law states that Deaf people can learn to drive and are allowed to drive. All Deaf people can in all places. Deaf people here are so excited to drive. They want to drive to work, find money, get food, and more. Our Deaf community is so happy right now in Ethiopia.

Renca: Tigist did mention that they have been fighting for the last 45 years and finally passed now. I did ask Tigist if she now has started driving and this was her response.

Tigist: Now do I want to? Kind of. Maybe start small -- maybe a little bit of driving. I need to practice and learn first. After that- I could start a little driving. I am excited!

Renca: Thank you Tigist for your time.

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I did look a little bit into U.S. history on if they have banned Deaf drivers. I looked it up and it seems that around the 1920’s Deaf people could not drive. So, the National Association of the Deaf and a group of Deaf people fought against that and made it! Since then, we can drive! I also looked up the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)’s report from 2008- they had a list that showed countries that banned Deaf drivers. Ethiopia was on that list, but now it’s 2020, we can say that Ethiopia has moved into the section for countries that allow Deaf people to drive! Congratulations, Ethiopia! We, the Daily Moth, celebrate with you.

Links: (WFD)

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