Dr. IV Mirus on Texas ending its mask mandate

Alex: Recently, the Governors of Texas, Mississippi -- and before that, Florida, plus a few other states declared that wearing masks are no longer mandatory. They opened up everything with no restrictions. People are free to socialize, go to businesses, schools and more. As a doctor, what is your view on all of this?

Dr. IV Mirus: I actually feel a little sick to my stomach. Why would they do that? I don’t understand. It doesn’t make sense to me. Why would they do that? We’ve been getting the vaccines distributed. In Texas, only 8% of people have gotten the vaccine. Only 8%. Let those who want to receive the vaccine -- give them a chance to get vaccinated first before going ahead and opening up everything to go back to normal 100%. I mean, it just doesn’t make sense.

Alex: There are many who look at masks as oppressive. They’re not thinking about health. They’re only thinking about freedom -- or maybe they have doubts about Covid-19.

Dr. IV Mirus: But why is it oppressive? It’s only a mask, right? Wearing a shirt isn’t oppressive but wearing masks are? Masks have a purpose which is to prevent the spread. That’s it. That’s the only reason to wear a mask. So… it’s a little frustrating but we have to try to educate the public, and encourage people to do the right thing.

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Dr. IV Mirus: We are psychologically programmed to -- when we aren’t sure what to do, we follow the lead of others. Should we get the vaccine, or not? That’s why it was important that I showed myself receiving the vaccine. Look, I’m fine. I feel healthy. I see Covid-19 patients everyday, they’re breathing in my face everyday and I’ve never gotten sick. Nothing. So, I’m really fortunate -- I know it’s scary, I know it’s awkward, and maybe it’s a personal decision. I understand. But, if we don’t, how can we expect to beat Covid-19? We don’t have another weapon. We don’t. This is it. If you want to end the pandemic, then let’s do it. Let’s go for it! When it’s your turn to get the shot, go do it.