Did Tim Walz pretend to be deaf to get out of DUI arrest?

Did Tim Walz, the Minnesota governor and running mate of Kamala Harris, pretend to be deaf to get away from a DUI arrest?

I saw a few posts on the internet that criticized Walz for acting deaf to get away from a DUI arrest. I was curious and checked out a few news articles about this. I looked at articles from AP News and The New York Times. I understand a bit and will try my best to recap and explain.

In 1995, Walz was working as a high school teacher in Nebraska. He also served in the National Guard. He was driving 96 mph in a 55 mph zone and was pulled over. The police officer suspected he was drunk and conducted a field sobriety test and a breath test. He didn’t pass either and was arrested. He was charged with a DUI and speeding. A blood test confirmed that he was above the blood alcohol level limit. A short time later, in 1996, the young Walz and his defense attorney expressed remorse and a judge agreed to drop the DUI charge and “reduce” it to a reckless driving charge. He also had a 90-day driving ban and a $200 fine. So it was almost like he got off. That’s what happened. AP News and the Times said there was nothing in the court records or police reports that said Walz acted like he was deaf.

So where did this deaf thing come from? Fast forward to 2006, which is a decade later. Walz was running for Congress. At that time, a few news outlets ran stories that Walz had a DUI arrest in 1995. Walz’s campaign team manager, which is like Walz’s top aide, told news outlets that these stories were not true. The manager said Walz’s arrest was a misunderstanding, that Walz couldn’t understand the police officer because he had hearing loss from his time in the National Guard in the artillery unit, the loud explosions caused hearing loss, and that Walz also had balance issues. This story was made up. Walz’s other campaign aide also made up stories. The aide said his judge was so supportive of Walz and his hearing loss that the judge chastised the cop. The aide said on the night of Walz’s arrest, the cop let Walz drive home on his own. But these were made-up stories. In 2006, ten years later. It seems that nobody challenged the claims. Did Walz say that? There’s nothing there, it “dissolved.” Walz won his Congressional race.

Then this stayed quiet until 2018, which is when Walz was running for Minnesota governor. That 1995 arrest was reported again in local news. The DUI arrest. Walz told local news that it was a very impactful moment for him and he changed after the arrest to become completely sober. He didn’t say anything about deafness.

So, why is the deafness thing coming up now? It’s because people are looking at the 2006 comments by Walz’s aides. The made-up stories that went unchallenged. It’s coming up again now. But did Walz pretend to be deaf to a cop? No.

I just read another article on “The Daily Beast,” an online news outlet. They interviewed that particular cop who arrested Walz in 1996*. That officer is now retired. He said he recalls pulling over Walz, seeing that he was drunk, giving him the field tests, and arresting him. That officer did not say he recalled that Walz claimed to be deaf. It was a routine arrest. That officer said he hoped that Walz would realize and change his ways, and apparently he did change because he became sober.

So there’s nothing there about deafness. It was made up by Walz’s aide. Now, I’m sure that Walz in 2006 — as a leader, as a candidate for Congress — was probably aware of what his aides were saying to news outlets. Walz might have known that they were making up stories about deafness. That they may have been trying to cover up or bury negative stories. Walz should have been aware of it. But he never came out and said, “These stories were false. I apologize. I was actually drunk.” That never happened. It seems like he stayed quiet. Until now, he’s at another level, he’s running to be vice president. There’s more scrutiny.

It seems like some people out there are saying that Walz did make up stories that he was deaf. No. But 10 years later, his aides did make up these stories. It’s still in a gray area. What is right? What is wrong? How do you feel about that?

AP News said they reached out to the Harris-Walz campaign for comment on this situation but they did not respond. Maybe this issue will resurface in upcoming interviews. I’ll keep an eye out. If you notice something or it’s brought up, let me know.

What do you think of this situation?

*Correction #1: Walz was arrested in 1995, not 1996.


AP News: https://apnews.com/article/tim-walz-drunken-driving-arrest-kamala-harris-b2ffe73963e0dbf9c804697e2831753e

NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/06/us/politics/tim-walz-dui.html

Daily Beast: https://www.thedailybeast.com/cop-i-arrested-tim-walz-for-dui-why-did-his-aide-lie-about-it