Deaf Ninja competes in Las Vegas finals

“Deaf Ninja” Kyle Schulze competed in the Las Vegas finals in an episode of NBC’s American Ninja Warrior that aired on Monday night.

It was his second time reaching the Las Vegas finals in eight seasons. His last time was in 2018 and he made an unfortunate slip at the beginning of the course and fell into the water.

Kyle said in an interview that to be able to compete again is a way to help spread awareness to the world to not let a person not be able to do what they want to do just because of what disability they have.

When Kyle started his race on Monday, he stepped over the first obstacle with no problem. The commentators said, “Not going to let that happen twice.”

Kyle moved smoothly through the first three obstacles, landing on his feet after the giant rollercoaster. His family and girlfriend cheered him on.

Kyle then went on a difficult obstacle with objects shaped like giant casino pieces. He had to use only his arms to move around before jumping and landing on a small circular object that resembled a roulette.

He tried to jump to another platform but he didn’t have a good grip and fell into the water. There was a big splash. The course’s lights flashed a bright red to signify the end.

Kyle said in an interview afterwards that he is thrilled to get through the first obstacle and is happy that he’s got two buzzers this year in his opening and semifinal rounds.

You can watch the full video clip of Kyle’s run in Las Vegas on his Instagram at @thedeafninja.

He posted that he is still happy because of how he worked to get to this point. See the post.

[Full-screen image of Kyle’s post] Credit: Instagram/thedeafninja.
“The host said it, it’s been my best year! Getting two buzzers and a chance to redeem myself on the Vegas course. But didn’t get that third buzzer. I’m still happy of how I worked to get to this point and to me, that’s a win. Because I didn’t quit, and then live to regret it for the rest of my life, because I earned those buzzers. As always, you are my biggest inspiration, people who watch and cheer me on, because they too, have challenges to overcome themselves.”

So, that ends Kyle’s awesome season this year. Congratulations to him on reaching the finals, getting two buzzers, and just continuing to be a competitor.


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