Deaf History: Laura Bridgman

[Image description: ​​Sarah Morrison, a White DeafBlind non-binary person, is sitting down in front of the camera. Sarah has a gray cap and a black framed glasses on.]

Sarah Morrison:

Laura Bridgman (LB) was born on December 21, 1829. By the age of 2, she became DeafBlind. She also lost her sense of taste and smell.

[Image of Laura Bridgman. She appears to be young and is seen wearing a type of covered sunglasses and is posing for a picture]

Sarah Morrison: By 1837, Laura became the first DeafBlind student to enter Perkins School for the Blind. This school is based in Boston, Massachusetts.

[Image of the Perkins Institute for the Blind]

Sarah Morrison: Laura became the first DeafBlind student who successfully got an education. Laura also became the first DeafBlind teacher.

[Image of Laura Bridgman. She appears to be older and is seen wearing covered glasses]

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Sarah Morrison: Laura herself was the first DeafBlind student to succeed and became a DeafBlind teacher 50 years before Helen Keller’s time. Helen Keller had a tutor named Anne Sullivan.

[Image of Anne Sullivan with a young Helen Keller]

Sarah Morrison: Now, Anne Sullivan was a former student at Perkins School for the Blind. Anne Sullivan was a hearing person who was Blind. Laura was one of Anne’s teachers at Perkins School for the Blind. Yeah.. Just wow.

[Image of a drawing of Laura Bridgman. She is seen in a classroom with her hand on someone else’s hand as they read a book. Bridgman is wearing her covered glasses.]

Sarah Morrison: Laura Bridgman was the first DeafBlind student and first DeafBlind teacher at Perkins School for the Blind. So, thanks to Laura, now we recognize our various DeafBlind people in the U.S.

[Video ends with a video showing “The Daily Moth” logo and an animation of a moth flying away]

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