Deaf Chinese man describes Wuhan


A deaf man from Shandong, China

 [Image of location of Shandong on a map]




His name is Yan Tiantian. He posted a vlog of what it looks like in Wuhan. 

[Image of location of Hubei Province (where Wuhan is in) on a map]


 I came here to Wuhan. This is where the coronavirus pandemic started. This is the sign for Wuhan. 

[Video clip of people on the street wearing masks]

Do you see the video? It shows officials at the gate testing people’s temperatures before they can proceed. They write it down. It’s to enforce very strict rules. You will also see people pushing food carts. It’s for families who need additional groceries. They will call the workers to buy the food and deliver it for a fee. They don’t eat outside. When they run out of food, they’ll order more. There are good controls in place and there isn’t hoarding. It is very strict here in Wuhan. 


He was able to send me another video that explains what Chinese people have done to slow down the spread of the virus, as well as information on a deaf person who died. 


In mainland China, there are no deaf people who died from the infections. But in Wuhan, there were two deaf people who died. The first had coronavirus and died from it. The second deaf person died but not from the coronavirus. He died of old age when his heart gave out. The first was a coronavirus case. That’s just the two. In China, deaf people have gone into isolation at homes. There aren’t deaths. I’m deaf and do I ignore the orders? No. I follow what the government orders. I don’t complain but go into isolation and rest. McDonald’s and other restaurants are open, but people can’t sit and eat there. They will have to order on their phones and pick it up and bring it to their homes, where they can eat it. Schools, of all grade levels, are closed. There is no school. Students will have to stay home and learn remotely through the internet. That’s all. 


You can see that the U.S. and many other European and Asian countries are doing just what they did. China has been doing it since with being isolated at home and with restaurants only offering pick-up orders. 

According to the latest numbers from Johns Hopkins’ data of worldwide coronavirus cases

 [Image of worldwide coronavirus cases] 

 China has really put a stronghold on the spread of the virus. The numbers coming out of China used to be rapidly increasing, but it has plateaued in March. But the numbers coming out of other countries have skyrocketed. China has stabilized. 

[Image of a graphic that shows Mainland China plateauing in cases starting in mid-February and continuing into March. The graphic shows cases from other locations skyrocketing in early March. The two lines cross in mid-March. There is another graphic that says there are 3,241 deaths in Hubei, China and that 69,770 recovered.]


News reports say that in Wuhan, factories, restaurants, and public spaces are starting to open.  

[Image of an article from AlJazeera with the headline, “In China, lie returning to normal as coronavirus outbreak slows.]


Temporary hospitals that were set up for emergency purposes 

[Image of a hospital under construction]


They are closing because they are no longer needed. 

[Twitter video clip from @ChinaDaily of a line of female Chinese nurses taking off their face masks one by one. The twitter description says, “Smiling faces emerge from the masks of everyday heroes as all the makeshift hospitals close in Wuhan.”]Original Post by Yan Tiantian:

Worldwide coronavirus data:

China Daily:


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