Deaf BBQ master in online competition

Alex: A deaf BBQ master, Phillip Smith Jr, is in an online competition to be the world’s “Favorite Chef” and win $50,000 and be featured in Bon Appétit Magazine. I was able to interview him last night.

PHILLIP SMITH, JR: Hello, my name is Phillip Smith, Jr. This is my sign name. I’m from Oakland, California.

(Three images of Phillip cooking BBQ food)

PHILLIP SMITH, JR: I always come home with the scent of smoke on my clothes. BBQ. BBQ all the way, no question. I love BBQ and the smoke. I try and test and challenge myself. How long can I leave the meat and allow it to cook slowly? I don’t mind waiting over 12 hours, just sitting and watching and allowing it to cook. It’s a science, I call it the science of BBQ.

Alex: Phillip has been cooking BBQ for the past 12 years and has been in several BBQ cooking competitions.

(Three images of Phillip cooking BBQ)

Alex: Phillip said he learned his love of cooking from his mother.

PHILLIP SMITH, JR: You know, I’m a mama’s boy.

(Image of Phillip with his mother)

PHILLIP SMITH, JR: I love whatever she does in the kitchen. Whenever I smell things while I’m in the living room, if I’m playing video games, I’ll stop and follow the scent. I have to go in and see what she’s doing. You know, whatever she does, she does old school. Our Black things, our soul food. There are many things she learned from people. My neighborhood is very cultural and I’ve learned a lot from them. I learned about fried rice, Mexican, and just a lot of things about cultural food.

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Alex: Phillip said if he wins $50,000, it would help him a lot because he doesn’t charge high prices for his customers.

PHILLIP SMITH, JR: My prices, whenever I try to make a deal with others, I don’t put up expensive prices. I talk about how I cook food like at home. It’s like coming to my home, I’m welcoming you. I’m open to negotiating. It’s about getting together. I don’t have to make a list of expensive items on a menu and tell you to follow it while it doesn’t taste good. I work with others because I understand their budgets. That’s why I want to win the $50,000. Because it would help a lot, honestly, a lot.

Alex: Phillip is also a talented bowling player. He received a bronze medal with Team USA at the 4th World Deaf Bowling Championships in Taiwan in 2019. He is also the first Black Vice-President of the San Francisco Deaf Club.

Anyone can vote for him on Facebook. There are two days left to vote. He is currently 5th in his group, so he needs help to move up. The link is in the status description.

PHILLIP SMITH, JR: Please, vote for me! I love you all. Thank you!