Daniel Durant on Dancing With The Stars

We recently learned that Deaf actor, Daniel Durant, known for his role in the Oscar-winning movie “CODA,” will be featured on Season 31 of Dancing With The Stars (DWTS). He will be partnered with a pro named Britt Stewart. Britt became a pro in season 29 as the first Black female pro on the show. Based on several articles, Daniel has already started rehearsing for DWTS.

The show will air on Disney Plus on September 19th.


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Two weeks ago, we mentioned a Deaf Finnish rap artist Signmark was participating with Finland’s DWTS and he is still advancing in the competition.

Now, here in the USA, Daniel will be part of DWTS. Over the years, we have seen different deaf contestants participate in DWTS from all over the world. Pretty cool.

Make sure you tune in on September 19th on Disney Plus at 8pm EST to see Daniel dance!

