“Cinderella” stage production in Austin

In Austin, Texas, there is a stage production of Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella that stars Deaf actress Sandra Mae Frank and is done in partnership between the ZACH Theatre and Deaf Austin Theatre (DAT).

Performances began at the end of January and will continue until March 5. It is a musical fairy tale that is a twist on the classic Cinderella story.

[Video clip, Credit: ZACH Theatre]

Frank said when she got an opportunity to act with ZACH Theatre, she pushed for them to work with Deaf Austin Theatre (DAT) so there would be more deaf people who ran the show.


Sandra Mae Frank: I always observe and notice who is running the show. Yes, there may be deaf actors, sure, but who runs the show? Hearing people. I’m grateful, but where are the deaf people? Typically there are only one or two. Not much. So I pushed for them to work with DAT. It’s in Austin, a big community, and DAT has all the resources ready. They accepted it without hesitation. Once that partnership happened, I got involved and the rest is history. Many deaf people were on the team and the cast. I’m happy this worked out.

Alex: One of the co-directors is Deaf. His name is Dr. Brian Cheslik.


Dr. Brian Cheslik: This production is like nothing that anyone has ever seen before. About 50% of this show has no voice overlaying deaf people who sign. It has music with some characters signing out the lines with music in the background. There isn’t any voice in it. So it is beautiful because the whole show has supertitles that are projected on the set.

[Full-screen images. Credit: Suzanne Cordeiro


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Alex: The Lead Artistic Sign Language Director is Kailyn Aaron-Lozano.


Kailyn Aaron-Lozano: Many of the songs in the play require musicality, the beats, so sometimes deaf people pick up on it easily, but some may struggle with it. I work with them and compare how we sign the lyrics. I’m always performing with them. This includes hearing cast members who sign the lines in the songs. So we have to rehearse and I’m able to develop relationships with the actors. We’re making magic and making them confident to get on the stage, so I can let go and see them thrive and hear the wonderful news about how they are doing. It gives me a boost of confidence.

Alex: The assistant choreographer is Mervin Primeaux-O’Bryant, who also has a major role as Marie/Fairy Godmother.


Mervin Primeaux-O’Bryant: I was excited to have a project as a choreographer for “Cinderella.” Then a few days later I got another email related to a “Cinderella” role. I didn’t know who “Marie” was, but as I read the script, I realized it was the Godmother. Why not?! I feel very honored to get the role because I’ve always dreamed of being in “Cinderella” one day. I’ve looked up to Whitney Houston and Billy Porter and their roles. And now it’s real, I’m a part of it, I’m a Godmother, a Deaf Godmother! Make it happen!

Alex: If you are in the Austin area, you can watch the performance. Tickets start at $25. The website is zachtheatre.org/cinderella.